Friends of Altoona Public Library

What do Friends of the Altoona Public Library do?

The Friends of the Altoona Public Library (FOL) raise and receive funds to help supply books, movies, music, and other needs not specified in the annual budget.

The FOL also sponsor special programs and events for the people of Atloona and surrounding area.  Every dollar raised by the FOL is used to directly support the Altoona Public Library.

Whether through annual dues, monetary donations, or donations of time, knowledge and/or strength, the Altoona Public Library functions a lot better with a little help from the Friends!

Become a Friend

Non-business Memberships:

Student/Senior – $10 annually
Friend – $20 annually
Family – $50 annually
Lifetime – $250 or more

Legacy, Business or Corporate Memberships:

Bronze – $250-999.99 annually
Silver – $1,000-$4,999.99 annually
Gold – $5,000-$9,999.99 annually
Platinum – $10,000 or more

How to Join

Pick up membership form at the library and complete and drop off dues.